UWIF put together three Foster Family Appreciation baskets for Epworth Foster parents this week. Thanks to all the ladies for their hard work.
It’s almost time! Only a couple weeks until the Spring Chinese Auction! You don’t want to miss this!
The United Women in Faith (formerly known as the United Methodist Women – UMW) are the heart of missions at Dacusville UMC. We meet the second Thursday of each month unless there’s a special event. Our next meeting will be November 9th at 11:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall. A meal is enjoyed, a program is presented, and plans are made for upcoming events in the church and in the community.
The UWF supports many missions in the community and in the church. These include “The Country Santa” program which helps needy children in Pickens County at Christmas time; LIFEhouse Children’s Project for Foster Care; help homeless students in Pickens County; supply Dacusville Elementary and Middle Schools with backpacks or other needs in the schools; the Dream Center in Easley; sponsor “Breakfast with Santa” at the church where the entire community is invited; assist with Vacation Bible School and other children’s ministries where, again, the entire community is invited; and other Nurture and Outreach needs as they arise during the year, including Bereavement Meals.
The UWF is a very active group of ladies and welcomes anyone to join them!
UWIF put together three Foster Family Appreciation baskets for Epworth Foster parents this week. Thanks to all the ladies for their hard work.
It’s almost time! Only a couple weeks until the Spring Chinese Auction! You don’t want to miss this!
The stage is set for Breakfast with Santa. Lots of crafts, games, gift bags. Oh, and just maybe Santa will drop by for a quick visit before the Dacusville Parade.
On October 5, 2023, we ventured out to Hendersonville for lunch and a few stops for apples and pumpkins. It was a beautiful day and great food and fellowship. October 14, 2023 was our bi-annual Chinese Auction fundraiser. We had a great turnout from the congregation...