In January our UMM and Acts29 men came together to upgrade and remodel a bathroom of one of our members. As with most projects, this contained several challenges. However, with much prayer and perseverance the water leaks were repaired, the damaged floor and tub...
United Methodist Men
Breakfast with Santa
We hosted our annual Breakfast with Santa Event on December 14, 2024 in our Fellowship Hall. Our United Methodist Men cooked up and served a delicious breakfast of bacon, pancakes (plain, applesauce, blueberry and chocolate chip), along with juice, tea and coffee to...
Porch Project
November Meeting
Beef stew cooking Beef stew cooking Beef stew dinner Men gathered for meal Empty pot means it was good!
March 2024
We held our UMM meeting at 6:30 PM on March 3, 2024. We enjoyed a wonderful fish dinner and some amazing sourdough desserts. We spent time discussing our plans for the Spring of 2024. Our March gathering at Dacusville UMC.
February 2024
The last weekend in February we traveled to Columbia to enjoy the MenNMinistry event at Journey United Methodist Church. We had a great group, enjoyed the dynamic speakers and felt that we learned a lot that we brought back with us. (Also the lunch from the grill was...
November 2023
The United Methodist Men met on November 5, 2023 in the Fellowship Hall at the church for dinner at 6:30 PM followed by guest speaker PFC Gavin Sias. PFC Sias shared his story of Boot Camp/Basic Training completed earlier in 2023 and his recent Make A Wish Trailblaze...
October 2023
This was followed by a fried chicken dinner with all the extras. Park Assistant Manager Adam Wyatt gave us a presentation about many aspects of the park.