The last weekend in February we traveled to Columbia to enjoy the MenNMinistry event at Journey United Methodist Church. We had a great group, enjoyed the dynamic speakers and felt that we learned a lot that we brought back with us. (Also the lunch from the grill was amazing.)

We will move our first Sunday evening monthly gathering to February 13 for the Pancake Supper.

Next up for our UMM group will be the Shrove (Fat) Tuesday Pancake supper on February 13, 2024 at 6:00 PM, mark your calendars and prepare to join us for a night of great food and fun.

Helping Build Beds With Sleep in Heavenly Peach – Easley

A group of 7 men and 1 of our youth went to Pickens on February 3rd to participate in this project to help kids in Pickens County.