February 4, 2025

Feb 4, 2025 | Pastor's Corner

Hello, this is Pastor Brian. I thought I would take a moment to come to you, and, first say can you imagine that January is over already? But here we are on February 4th already. We have so many exciting things coming up at Dacusville United Methodist Church. I just wanted to share some of the highlights with you.

This Sunday after the worship service, we are having a Super Bowl soup lunch. Many of the people from the church are bringing crock pots of soup and other goodies to share. That will begin around 12:30 in our Fellowship Hall. There is no cost, but we do ask that if you could do please bring a canned food item or other non-perishable food item or a jar of peanut butter. The canned items or non-perishables will be used in our Blessing Box and the peanut butter will be sent on to United Christian Ministries for their food program over there.

The next thing that we’re super, super excited about is on February 16 is the women are taking over the worship service. They’ve planned the entire service and they are going to take on all aspects of leading worship including the prayer time. Again that is February 16 at 11:00 AM. So you won’t want to miss this very special time.

Then, at the end of the month, on February 23 our Acts 29, our youth group, and some others are going to go over to the Dacusville four-way over near by the pizza stop and refurbish that traffic aisle and clean that up and spruce it up a bit. We’re going to have lunch at pizza stop before we come back here for our youth parent and guardian meeting at 4:00 to discuss some upcoming plans for camps and retreats. Then we will have our Youth Co-op at 5:30 with dinner being served followed by fun games and a devotional and some good music as well. Again, that is our co-op with Grace, Pickens, Easley First, Dacusville, and then we have a guest church coming to be with us this week, Trinity United Methodist Church from Fountain Inn.

Beginning to look a little further out, on March 1 we have an excited Sat evening planned in music and food. we are going to be doing a spaghetti dinner with fixings to go with that. that will be followed by a concert by Partners in Rhyme which is a barbershop quartet from the area, they ave very good. The cost for that is $10 per person and all the proceeds from that will go to our youth group to fund their summer events, missions, and other programs that they’re involved in.

As we continue looking on to that first week of March, on Tuesday, March 4 we will have our Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper with all you can eat pancakes and sausage and bacon. There will be a lot of fun crafts for the kids. There is no cost for that; our youth will be serving and we will have some tip jars out. Again, those tips will go to their summer missions program.

On March 5, we are going to have an Ash Wednesday service with imposition of ashes at 1:00 PM and again at 6:00 PM. If you would like to come and join us and go through our imposition of ashes worship service and receive ashes as you begin your Lenten journey, please reach out and come and see us.

The last thing I’m going to talk about for now is on March 15. A very wonderful gospel trio called Sacred Harmony – they’re nationally recorded and they travel extensively – but they’re coming through the area and they’re going to be here March 15 at 7:00 PM. Following the concert we will have food in the Fellowship Hall for everyone. There is no cost, but there will be a love offering taken and that will be given to the singers.

I hope that you can come and join us for some of these exciting events that we have coming up in addition to our normal worship services.

We will also be starting a Lenten study in March, so watch for that. We’re very excited about all these things going on here, and we’d love to have you come worship with us at 11:00 AM on Sundays or join us for any of these events.

For now, this is Pastor Brian saying, “See you soon!”