
Our main ministries are indicated in the sections below.

Click on those to find out more.

United Methodist Men

United Methodist Men
Our mission is to support spiritual growth among men, helping men to mature as disciples as they encourage spiritual formation in others.
Dacusville UMM meet at 6:30PM on the first Sunday of the month for food, fellowship, and a devotion. 

United Methodist Women

United Women in Faith

The organized unit of the United Women in Faith shall be a community of women whose PURPOSE is to know God and to experience freedom as whole persons through Jesus Christ, to develop creative, supportive fellowship, and to expand the concepts of missions through participation in the global ministries of the church.


Acts 29

Acts 29 is for young adults who have aged out of Youth but who aren’t yet ready for the Senior Men’s and Women’s groups. We welcome all 20-40ish people who are looking to strengthen and encourage each other while navigating the busy day to day.

We meet once a month.



Our youth meet on Sunday after worship services. We begin with lunch at 12:30 PM in the fellowship hall. This is followed by study time at 1:00 PM.

Our youth are planning mission trips, camps and other activities for the summer of 2024, keep checking back for more information

The youth at Dacusville UMC are a vital part of our worship services, serving as acolytes, ushers, and Scripture readers. They also assist in other ministries of the church.

Children’s Ministry

Children's Ministry

Our children’s ministries include activities throughout the year and include children from our congregation as well as from all over the community.